Posted on Apr.23, 2012, under Travel

(Nikon D800, 28-300mm at 125mm, Exposure 1/125th @ f/5.6, ISO 1000)

New York City is full of food vendors, in parts of the city you can’t go a block without seeing one or more. This guy was set up just outside of Rockefeller Center on 5th Avenue. I shot this from the sidewalk as I walked by. Processing was pretty simple. I made a minor rotation correction in Lightroom, did some tweaking of the highlights, contrast etc to adjust the look and add a bit of richness to the image. The biggest change was created by using extreme settings in Clarity and Luminance noise reduction.

The Clarity slider in Lightroom 4 has improved greatly and you can achieve some interesting effects by pushing it to 100. Previously you had to be more careful with Clarity because it could introduce some horrible artifacts. Lightroom 4 is much better. The image was shot at ISO 1000 which had some noise, but the D800 is pretty clean but I wanted to use the noise reduction in a more creative way. By sliding it to almost 100, it imparted a slightly ‘plastic’ look to the shot which I liked.

Feel free to leave any comments or questions below.

Copyright © 2012 James W. Howe – All rights reserved

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