Posted on Jun.23, 2011, under Automotive
(Nikon D700, 105mm, ISO 250, Exposure 1/2000 sec @ f/3)
I’ve never been a big fan of 1950’s automobiles, but I am fascinated with their design elements, particularly the chrome and the obsession with tail fins. At the 2011 Eyes on Design car show, they had a whole row of ‘finned’ automobiles. The shot above shows the tail fin of a 1957 DeSoto Adventurer. The car was pretty stunning with its black paint job and polished chrome. On of the features that I found interesting about this car was that it had an under-dash ‘sound system’ (aka record player). I’m sure this wasn’t meant to be used while driving!
FYI, there is no ‘before’ shot for the top image because I did no processing on the image. I thought it looked good the way it was. A black and white conversion would have lost the terrific look of the red lights against the chrome, and would also have lost the nice turquoise color of the DeSoto automobile in the background.
Copyright © 2011 James W. Howe – All rights reserved.
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