Posted on Aug.27, 2010, under Michigan
(Olympus E-3, 14-54mm at 14mm (2x crop factor), ISO 100, Exposure 3 sec @ f/6.7)
I figured that after a series of asylum pictures it might be nice to do something completely different. This shot was taken a couple of years ago when my family and I returned from a trip. The picture shows the tunnel which connects Concourse C to the main McNamara Terminal at Detroit’s Metro Airport. The tunnel is quite interesting. There is ambient music playing in the background and they use continually change the color of the lights. There are two long moving sidewalks which pass by long panels of glass sculpture. It’s a really nice change of pace from the typical chaos found in airports.
The picture itself received virtually no processing other than to crop up from the bottom. I took another shot and did a bit more processing for a somewhat different feeling. It can be seen here
Love to hear your thoughts and feedback.
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