Posted on Oct.04, 2011, under Architecture
(Nikon D700, 70-300mm at 100mm, ISO 200, Exposure 1/250 sec @f/11)
I was going through some images this morning looking for something to post on my Google+ account for the SacredSunday theme when I came across a picture I had taken of the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Ann Arbor, Michigan. I had previously done a black & white conversion that I previously posted to my blog. I recently added Nik Software’s Color Efex Pro 4 to my toolkit and I was just curious as to what I might be able to do using that plugin. The shot you see above was the result of using the ‘Soft Landscape’ recipe which comes with the product. I thought it did a nice job with the vignette as well as the detail in the clouds and brickwork of the church. The original image (shown below) was definitely flat and relatively lifeless and I was happy with how the final shot came out. I’d certainly be happy to hear what others think.
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